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After Raisis Death Speculation Over Succession Turns To Ayatollahs Son

After Raisi's Death, Speculation Over Succession Turns to Ayatollah's Son

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's death in a helicopter crash has upset the plans of hardliners.

Raisi, 63, was widely seen as a leading candidate to take over from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is now 83. His death leaves a major vacuum in the Iranian leadership.

Mojtaba Khamenei, the son of the Supreme Leader, is now seen as a potential successor.

Mojtaba Khamenei, 55, plays an influential role in the office of the Supreme Leader and is said to be close to the hardline faction of the Iranian regime. He has been described as a "rising star" in Iranian politics.

However, it is unclear whether Mojtaba Khamenei has the support of the other factions in the Iranian leadership. He is also relatively young and inexperienced, which could be a disadvantage in a succession race.

Other potential successors include Mohammad Mokhber and Ali Larijani.

Mohammad Mokhber, the first vice president, is a close ally of Raisi and is seen as a possible successor. Ali Larijani, the former speaker of the Iranian parliament, is another potential candidate.

The succession race is likely to be a complex and contentious process. The outcome will have a major impact on the future of Iran.
